Thursday, 24 April 2014

*Stalling Mobile Video Ads – Are the Consumers Frustrated?

*Stalling Mobile Video Ads – Are the Consumers Frustrated? Yes, these are ads changing the mood-sets of the consumers, though this being marketers choice which can’t be ignored by anyone its nothing less than forced viewership.

12% of US mobile phone owners cited video as their preferred mobile ad format. More than twice as many favored banners, likely because that format can more readily be ignored; even more chose coupons, likely because coupons can give something back to them. Mobile video ads create unique frustrations.

One problem is that video is the most data-intensive form of content, and therefore when users are on 3G or 4G networks, the ad play is on their dime. Another problem is that video streaming too often stalls, stutters or takes time rebuffering. That irritates users.

 In an April 2013 report from Prosper Mobile Insights, 35.1% of females and 24.4% of males cited loading or buffering video content as a problem with smartphones and tablets. To counter the frustration of mobile video stalling, users have come up with a simple solution: Connect with Wi-Fi when watching mobile video.

 In Rhythm NewMedia’s survey, 61.1% of US smartphone owners and 82.0% of tablet owners said they used Wi-Fi when they watched video content. What this means for marketers is also simple: Consider not streaming video ads unless the device is connected via Wi-Fi.

That’s what Facebook is doing with its rollout of mobile video ads on users’ newsfeeds. Limiting ads to Wi-Fi streamers may also limit the audience, but it reduces the chances of irritating viewers and ensures that the mobile video message gets through with the quality marketers intended.

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